A Comprehensive Guide to Home Insurance in the UK


Navigating the world of home insurance in the UK can be a daunting task. With various types of coverage, common exclusions, and policy options, it’s crucial to understand the basics to make the right choice. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the essentials of home insurance, helping you make informed decisions when protecting your most significant investment.

Types of Home Insurance

There are two primary types of home insurance available in the UK: buildings insurance and contents insurance.

  1. Buildings Insurance: This insurance covers the physical structure of your home, including walls, roof, and floors. It also protects permanent fixtures like kitchen units and bathroom suites. Buildings insurance typically covers damage from events like fires, storms, floods, and vandalism.
  2. Contents Insurance: Contents insurance covers your personal belongings within the home, including furniture, appliances, clothing, and electronics. This insurance typically protects against theft, fire, and damage from natural disasters. Many policies also offer optional accidental damage cover for an additional fee.

Common Exclusions

It’s essential to be aware of common exclusions when selecting a home insurance policy. Exclusions are situations or events that your insurance will not cover, such as:

  1. Wear and tear: Home insurance policies generally do not cover damage resulting from gradual wear and tear, such as ageing or general use.
  2. Unoccupied properties: Most policies exclude coverage for homes left unoccupied for an extended period, typically 30-60 days. In these cases, you may need to purchase unoccupied property insurance.
  3. Poor maintenance: If your property is poorly maintained, your insurer may refuse to pay out on claims resulting from damage due to negligence or neglect.
  4. Certain natural disasters: While many policies cover damage from storms and floods, events like earthquakes may be excluded or require additional coverage.

Understanding Policies and How They Work

When selecting a home insurance policy, consider the following factors:

  1. Sum insured: The sum insured is the maximum amount your insurer will pay out in the event of a claim. For buildings insurance, this should represent the cost of rebuilding your home. For contents insurance, it should cover the total value of your belongings.
  2. Excess: The excess is the amount you’ll pay towards a claim before your insurer covers the remaining cost. Choosing a higher voluntary excess can lower your premiums, but ensure it’s an amount you can afford.
  3. Policy features: Review the specific features and benefits of each policy, such as alternative accommodation if your home becomes uninhabitable or coverage for garden items and outbuildings.
  4. Claims history: Insurers may charge higher premiums or refuse coverage if you have a history of multiple claims. Maintaining a clean claims record can help keep premiums lower.

Using Comparison Sites Like Go.Compare

To find the best home insurance policy, use comparison sites like Go.Compare, our trusted partner at SortMyCash. By comparing policies from multiple insurers, you can identify the best coverage at the most competitive price. Go.Compare is an independent, free-to-use comparison site that allows you to compare quotes from over 60 UK home insurers, making it easier to find the right policy for your needs.


Understanding the basics of home insurance in the UK is crucial for protecting your home and belongings. By considering the types of coverage, common exclusions, and policy options, you can make informed decisions when selecting the right policy for your needs. To start comparing home insurance quotes with Go.Compare, visit our main page and discover the perfect policy for your home today.

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