The 1 Minute Pitch

SortMyCash help the general public make the most of their money all in one place. We have hand-picked what we consider the very best partners for each financial area so that our customers can have faith that they are getting a reliable, trustworthy and value for money service without the endless review searching. This will allow them to focus more of their time where it can be better spent. The second phase will be to add a B2B operation; SortMyCash for business.

My endeavour is for SortMyCash to one day be considered the Amazon of the financial world.

As a one-man band with limited resources, I’ve influenced some of the UK’s biggest and most respected brands to have faith in me and the SortMyCash project and to come on board as partners.

GoCompare, Uswitch, LifeSearch, Animal Friends, Mortgage Advice Bureau, Switch Health, Debt Guardians, with others in the pipeline. We are now able to service our clients to an excellent standard for life insurance, car insurance, home insurance, mortgages, broadband, pet insurance, equity release, debt solutions, energy, mobile phone contracts and many others.

We are looking for a team of determined, dynamic, positive, talented and above all, friendly individuals to volunteer some of their time, talent and efforts to help SortMyCash on the start of our journey and become part of The Student Network. In return you will be offered a unique opportunity for personal development, in a business environment with the potential to significantly enhance your future prospects. We will be looking to turn the potential of both SortMyCash and The Student Network into performance.

Does this sound good to you?

If so, please set aside at least 30 minutes and read on.


What is SortMyCash?

SortMyCash is a free-of-charge web platform to help the public sort their finances all in one place. We have hand-picked what we consider the very best partners for each financial area, based on a number of factors including customer service, price / value for money, reputation, reviews and friendliness, amongst many others. We have then tailored these findings and organised them to which factors will be considered most important for customers of each area. Our customers will know they are getting an excellent service and value for money without having to endlessly search reviews, weighing up the pros and cons of each; in theory, once they have experienced our service once, we will be able to retain their loyalty and support over the long term, as our brand reputation increases.

The website is user friendly and all financial areas can be accessed and purchased without any sign up. However, users who do sign up (free of charge) with their email and login details have the ability to manage their renewal dates, set email reminders when services are coming to an end and select which areas they would like SortMyCash to provide further information on. We want to put an end to ‘faceless-finance’, so each individual user will be assigned a ‘Point of Contact’, essentially working as their financial friend; a name with a face should our users ever need to get in touch with us. This ‘Point of Contact’ will introduce themselves via automated email and will be accountable to the user. If the user requires a service, has a question or anything ever goes wrong, they will know they always have an actual person that they can get in touch with, without the lengthy call queues to a random stranger, passing you from pillar to post. The above is managed via our automated CRM.

The main job of SortMyCash is twofold. 1. Help people to sort their finances all in one place. 2. Create an environment where our supporters feel like they are part of the SortMyCash family and want to return time and again.

We are a small startup with a big vision.


Coverage Examples and Why

For every partner in every area, there will be several reasons why we chose them as partners for SortMyCash. Here are a few examples with a brief overview of some of the considerations:

Car Insurance – GoCompare – We chose GoCompare as they generally offered the highest average savings for customers, which we found to be the most important aspect in what people wanted when making their decision to purchase car insurance. GoCompare offer the ability to compare a multitude of different policies, they offer a £250 Free Excess cover and have a 4.8 out of 5 star rating on Trustpilot.

Life Insurance – LifeSearch – For life insurance and other protections such as critical illness cover and income protection we have chosen the outstanding LifeSearch as our partner. We see life insurance as one of the most critical financial commitments that you will ever make and with so many different variations of product, we feel it necessary to speak with a professional adviser rather than just an online purchase; especially with their expert advice being free of charge. LifeSearch were considered the perfect choice. Having won Protection Adviser of the Year 16 out of the last 20 and with a 4.9 out of 5 rating on Trustpilot their advisers are both extremely friendly and very knowledgeable, to ensure you are on the correct policy at the best value available. What’s more they stay with customers for the life of the policy, so if you ever need changes or indeed you or your family need to make a claim, LifeSearch’s compassionate team are there to help every step of the way.

Switch Health – Health Insurance – Similar to Protection there are so many different products available that it can be daunting for consumers to know exactly what they need and what they should be looking for. We therefore feel that free of charge, professional advice, is the best route to getting yourself and / or your family protected. Switch Health have an almost unheard of 5.0 out of 5 on Trustpilot from over 1,000 reviews. Their friendliness, knowledge base and ability to get outstanding deals are what makes them standout in the market. This made them the obvious choice to partner with for health insurance.

For the above and all of our area partners, we have conducted extensive research so that our customers have the best possible opportunity of getting an excellent service while obtaining what they need, at the right price. In our hectic World, time is a luxury and one that we feel can be better spent with family, friends or indeed making money. Hand-picking what we consider the best possible partner, along with having a dedicated ‘Point of Contact’ and our light-hearted, giving back nature, are our unique selling points and this is what sets us apart from the competition. We’ve done all of the hard-work in every area, so once clients have used SortMyCash for one service, we are in an excellent position to gain their loyalty for other areas and over the long term. Having a dedicated ‘Point of Contact’ within the organisation will also generate the rapport and enable them to have more of a connection with SortMyCash and our overall project. Generally people would ask friends for recommendations when they aren’t sure who to go with, we want to turn that in to our users considering SortMyCash and / or their ‘Point of Contact’, as their trusted financial friend.


Our Aim & Ambitions

As in our 1 minute pitch, the overall objective of SortMyCash is to be considered the Amazon of financial services. The first major objective is to disrupt the public side of financial services, with the second to add a business to business service. If we can conquer the UK market then we can replicate this internationally, with our secondary (although distant) territorial target being the US market.

This is a long-term project and to reach our ambition there is a step by step process, with many milestones to achieve along the way. The first step was building an outstanding platform to provide us with that solid foundation needed to build and develop a world class operation. With our partners, website and background infrastructure in place, this step has now been complete. The next step is to grow our customer base and build our brand. This is where our successful candidates can help.

Parallel to our business intents, in our own way we are looking to make a change for the better in the World. Treating people with respect, friendliness and kindness, whilst also helping to sort their everyday financials, all in one place.

As we grow we want to give back to our supporters and our community, charities and our living World. We want to build a company with the infrastructure and resource to allow us to make a real difference in people’s lives, both now and in the future.


The Opportunity

Successful candidates will be joining a project at the perfect point to have the most influence on how successful this company will be, with the fewest barriers to the top. You will be in direct communication with the Owner / CEO and your thoughts, ideas and passions will help to determine our journey. On the back of that you can take a huge amount of credit, whether that’s for future prospects within this organisation or as an outstanding addition to your C.V. with a reference reflecting your volunteering your time and your contribution to the success of the project for other potential employers.

With our partners already set-up and on-board, with an excellent web infrastructure for easy user journeys, we have a superb foundation in place ready for us to flourish.

The wide-ranging activities of SortMyCash and our services enable a broad experience where your skillsets can be tested and utilised in many different ways. You will gain knowledge and experience to rapidly increase your personal development. How often will you be offered the opportunity to work in multiple different industries and disciplines, testing an abundance of skills, all under one roof.

We are looking for a select team of 30 determined, dynamic and talented individuals. If you think this is you, and you are selected, then you will be joining a team of like-minded people looking to grow a company right from the bottom to eventually become a household name within the UK and perhaps even the World. This team will be the start of your business network, people that will look to support one another throughout each other’s business life. There for when any member needs us.


What We Have

A platform with the ability to help virtually every adult that we reach and likely as not, we will be able to help them several times per year. You couldn’t dream of a broader audience, you can virtually sell to everyone. Even those we can’t help immediately, we will be able to help at some point in their lives.

Trusted partnerships with the likes of Uswitch, GoCompare, LifeSearch, Animal Friends, Mortgage Advice Bureau, Switch Health, Debt Guardians and others.

Ability to help the general public and businesses with many different types of financial areas from mortgages, life insurance and car insurance to broadband, pet insurance and debt solutions.

Ability to diversify into profitable and other markets that become of interest, extraordinarily quickly.

Over 4,800 users registered to our site.

Over 6,200 social media followers

Multiple social media accounts to cover each area, for example Facebook pages for SortMyCash – Life Insurance, SortMyCash – Pet Insurance etc. This gives us the ability to focus and grow with multiple areas, which can then cross-promote other areas to enhance growth.

Potential for viral posts. Whilst only partially operational, we were testing our ability to reach people with social media. We love to give back and make our customers feel valued and therefore in our efforts we have been testing ‘giveaways’ to reach people and the below was one of our most successful. 1 single post, without any advertising reached over 93,000 people, with almost 25,000 engagements, over 800 reactions and over 4,700 comments.

Our partners accepted our project and went the extra mile to get us on-board. I can attest that it is not easy to partner with one amazing company, never-mind many. Whilst we made our choices to seek partnerships with what we consider the best, that does not necessarily mean that they have to agree to partner with SortMyCash, nor in fact were they ever likely to do so without a very good reason and persuasion of why this is an opportunity that should simply not to be missed. Our partners are extremely well sought out and generally only partner with other, select, big businesses. For our partners, it costs them a not insignificant amount of time and resource to start, develop and maintain these partnerships, so what SortMyCash has done as a startup on limited resource, has been truly remarkable. The foundation of partnerships that we have, is the culmination of over 4 years of research, preparation, persuasion, persistence and great faith in our project for, especially to get so many signed off, mainly at board level. You can add into that the blood, sweat, tears and a whole lot of luck. We have had faith from so many very big businesses and we ask you to also have faith in the SortMyCash project, what you can bring to it and what it can bring to you.

Take Animal Friends for example. SortMyCash are an Introducer Appointed Representative of Animal Friends, this involved an application with and to be signed off by the Financial Conduct Authority. In the below image, are other partners that Animal Friends have. As you can see, they are all very well established businesses. Then we have the upstart of SortMyCash. Tiny in comparison – but with the vision and ambition to be held in the same, if not higher esteem.


What We Don’t Have

Although we have partnerships with some outstanding UK Companies, we are still, essentially, a startup and on a finite budget. We therefore do not have extensive resource, deep pockets, staffing levels, influence, reputation, brand awareness, brand loyalty and customer base. The reality is that we don’t yet have enough ‘clout’ to get a substantial number of people purchasing products.

We don’t have the influential figures nor income / investment required to succeed in our ambitions…..yet.


What We Are Looking For

Fundamentally we need to sell products and services – insurance, utilities, mortgages and many others. The more we sell, the more income this produces and the more we can finance the growth. On the back of this growth, we’re looking to build a business to disrupt the financial industry and give consumers a much better environment to sort their money all in one place.

We are starting with a blank canvass, but with an exceptional art-set. With this, we are the authors of our own destiny and our efforts determine how successful this project will be. With the right team, we’re going to do everything in our power to prosper and make this business an overwhelming success.

In order to do that we need to capitalise on our “Haves” and we need to adapt and strive to change the “Don’t Haves”. We’re looking for candidates who are pro-active, have strong initiative, are positive in nature and have a friendly, caring attitude.


How Can You Help And What Can You Do

We’re looking for successful candidates to immerse themselves in a number of different aspects of the business. Areas were you already have a skillset and also areas which will challenge, develop and broaden your skillset and hone your business acumen.

This is where the opportunity of SortMyCash is unique. With our diversity and the widespread nature of the business, the prospects of what you can do are almost limitless. It’s likely you will never again have the opportunity to delve into so many different areas, from the world of pets to the reasons why people may prefer to get private health insurance rather than the NHS. From the energy crisis and how business deals with this, to people moving home and protecting their families. From the everyday financial necessities such as car insurance and broadband to consumer issues, particularly with those struggling in the cost of living crisis. Then there are plenty of additional areas that we can look to explore together. There is a fantastic range of areas for you to experience.

Then we move onto what we can accomplish in each area and how we achieve this. If you’ve ever watched the apprentice, then you can probably roll almost everything that they’ve ever needed to do, into what we will need to do, to make this venture a success. Here’s a list of potential activities:

Content Creation – We consider this, with the below networking, as two of the main areas that can change a company from having average prospects to world class prospects. Content creation is key to engaging your audience. This may be difficult for financial companies to master, as it is generally considered boring. We have to find innovative ways to be professional whilst keeping light-hearted and relevant. Succeed in this, help the customer differentiate between us and the established order, then gain an influential network to enhance the audience and we’re on to a winner.

Networking – LinkedIn, Chamber of Commerce, Councils, Business Meets, Mentor approaches, Influencer approaches, Friends, Family, Fellow Students, Professors, Alumni, Conferences

Market Research – know your areas, either master a select few or obtain a reasonable understanding of them all

Customer Understanding and Psychology – know your customer, their desires and what moves them

Spreading the Word – family and friends, colleagues and peers, wider audience / network

Social Network Growth – Facebook pages (main SortMyCash plus each area), Instagram, Twitter etc.

Press Releases – The Student Network looking to disrupt the established order?

Website Development – current and future vision. User experience, design, integration, analysis, conversion optimisation, additions such as public blog and other useful areas etc.

SEO – informative articles, search engine submissions, tailoring key words

Partner Development – existing, new and potential. Ensure current partnerships are strong, whilst seeking out the best possible partners in new and exciting areas of interest

Media Creation – YouTube Channel, Twitter, TikTok, Podcasts – combine media and drama skills

Advertising – Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Display Network, Mainstream Media, Billboards

Client care | Consumer Rights | Approaching Businesses | Collaborating with Complimentary Areas

Ethics | Marketing | Venture Capital Exploration | Building a Team | Legal and Compliance | SaaS

Business Planning and Administration | Political Analysis | Recruitment | Finance | Philanthropy

Idea Exploration | Accountancy | Grant Applications | Debate | Brainstorming | Human Resource

Customer Satisfaction | Sales | Data Analysis | Performance Insight | ISO Certification

FCA Rules and Regulations | Environmental Studies | Charity Work | Influencer Propositions

Saving Tips | Life Hacks | Imagery, GIFs and Video | Area Articles | Humour and Comedy

The list is virtually endless. You choose what suits you and we will supplement to help you grow.


The Challenges – David

Presently, we are to all intents and purposes a one-man band with limited resource. We are entering and looking to disrupt a market full of blue-chip companies. We are competing against long established businesses with widespread influence and extraordinarily deep pockets. This is a true David and Goliath. With your help, we are going to be arming David with his stones.


The Competition – Goliath

Goliath is our competition. Not one Goliath, but many of them. We are in the ultra-competitive financial market, where established companies have hundreds of millions, if not billions of pounds to compete against us. We have to find innovative tactics and dynamics within the market to allow us to build, compete with, outsmart and outmuscle the Goliaths in their own game. We need our supporters to love what we do so much that they want to spread the word and help us grow.


Unique Selling Points

Our story. David v Goliath. The faith we have from our partners, our team and our customers, the SortMyCash Family. Quick to make decisions. Nimble on our feet. We do have red tape in terms of compliance, but we can be much more dynamic in the way we move the business. Giants cannot change their practices easily and most certainly not in the time that we can adapt to better suit the economic environment and the needs and desires of our customers. We’ve hand-picked the best, no scatter gun approach. No leaving the decision to you to syphon through, you get the best all in one place, with minimum of fuss and wasted time.


How Can You Benefit

Research shows that 80% of employers value voluntary work experience and 80% are more likely to hire an applicant with volunteering experience. In a world where competition is fierce, any voluntary work experience is an outstanding addition to a person’s C.V. When this is combined with the unique work experience, insight and opportunity that SortMyCash offers this could be held in very high esteem. The opportunity to say that you have worked on a startup, growing it into what by then will be, assuming our success, an instantly recognisable household name. Our diverse nature offers the ability to explore many different areas and enhance your skills. The ability to be able to say that you have been able to work with many household names working to industry standards with compliance and FCA Regulations and directly with a CEO / Founder. We offer no guarantees in where this journey will take each successful candidate, as we don’t know exactly where this journey will take us, but we expect that it will open up a lot of opportunities for The Student Network in the future. Finally the journey itself. To say that you were there from the beginning and that you had a hand in the accomplishment, will be rewarding and a great sense of achievement that you and the team did this.


Long Term Opportunities

Whilst it is not a pre-requisite that this relationship must become long-term, especially in terms of a volunteer, as the business grows we will be looking for talented individuals for employed positions. Any candidate who has excelled in their volunteer role will most certainly be looked upon extremely favourably in any recruitment, should they wish to apply for a position, whether that is part time around studies or when you have succeeded in your further education. We do want The Student Network to be something that follows you throughout your business life. As we are looking for like-minded, friendly people with that determination to succeed, we envision a team built with a rapport and camaraderie to support each other over the long term, whether that be socially, economically or even emotionally from time to time.


Building The Team And Network

We’re looking to build a core Student Network of 30 to give us the platform to succeed over the longer term. This number is large enough to offer SortMyCash the best opportunity for rapid and sustainable growth, whilst also being small enough to offer all successful candidates the opportunities outlined, both now and as we grow. That team will be encouraged to develop further extensions within their own network to help spread the word of SortMyCash, our project and also to give everyone within the team an extended network should they ever need to reply upon it. In business a network that you can rely upon can be very advantageous whether you are looking to advance in a career or whether you are looking to create your own business or brand. This is where we can help all our successful candidates over the long-term, with the select group being there for each other in times of need and having that rapport to know that you have at least 30+ (including me and mine) others who have your back. We will all be working together, you will be working with me, not for me.

Additionally to The Student Network, we will in due course be building a network of influencers, investors and other key figures within the business community. Whilst this extended network will be somewhat exclusive in terms of the time that they can offer, we will ensure that it is receptive of any successful candidates wishing to propose projects themselves in the future i.e. if you ever need an influencer, mentor, investment for your own purposes, you have open ears for your pitch – of course there are no guarantees in terms of outcome, just an opportunity that others would envy.

We are on a comparatively miniscule budget compared to our competition, which is why we are initially looking for volunteers to makeup the core of the team to launch us off on our journey, allowing us the platform to grow and be attractive to both influencers and investors. Nevertheless, we are very ethical nature and will look to show our gratitude and repay that kindness both in the short term with excellent experiences and in the longer term as we grow with your support; you will always have an ear at the top and perhaps, if it’s sought, long term prospects within the company. When getting on board at the start, for those who excel, there are the fewest barriers to the top for those that are ambitious, looking for prominent positions of power.

You may also take advantage of the high powered connections that we have within a number of the industries that we service, should you want a career in a specific area. Employers crave candidates with the philosophies, values and attitude that you will no doubt have and we will look to enhance. We will be only too happy to offer a glowing recommendation from the top, if you maintain those qualities.


Areas We Cover

Car Insurance | Home Insurance | Life Insurance

Pet Insurance | Mortgages | Broadband

Equity Release | Debt Solutions | Van Insurance

Critical Illness | Mobile Phones | Income Protection


Areas To Explore & Can We Do Better

The beauty of SortMyCash is that it can relate to so many areas. Anywhere consumers spend money and we feel that we can do a better, more effective job to give customers a better service and better value for money, is open to consideration.

Pensions | Estate Agency | Investment | Stocks and Shares | Recruitment | Vouchers | Cash Back

Legal | Travel Insurance | Credit Score | ISAs | Loans (reasonable only) | Solar Energy Installation

Buying / Selling / Leasing Cars | Currency Exchange | Crypto (with great care and consideration)

Banking | Employers Liability Insurance | Travel | Holiday Perks – Car Rental, Airport Parking etc.

Consumer Rights / Claims – e.g. PCP and Hire Purchase Claims| Tax Refunds | And Many More…

We are generally looking for the best possible partnerships for each area. Nevertheless, if we feel that SortMyCash can offer a better service and value for money, then there is no reason why some areas cannot be facilitated by SortMyCash with an in-house service.


Stages of Growth

Partnerships on board

First Stage of Users

Developing Student Team

Building Brand Awareness and Consumer Numbers

Grow naturally if revenue is sufficient. Consideration to Seed Money / Investor / Venture Capital, as to whether this is either necessary or desired. Identity and core principles must remain sacrosanct

Building employed team – with enhanced opportunity for The Student Network

Diversify further by building and developing additional partnership areas

Become FCA Regulated in our own right

Seek ISO standards and certification across all relevant areas to ensure the highest of quality levels

National media campaign to become a household name

Constant reviews of partnerships to ensure that customers are getting the best possible service. If they are not, work with partners to bring the standards to excellence. If unacceptable standards continue, 2 options a) change the partnership if there is suitable available or develop our own team and necessary accreditations to service the clients in that area in-house at SortMyCash

Develop SortMyCash Business to Business (whether under the SortMyCash name or another). Helping businesses with all things financial – recruitment, accountancy, insurance, legal etc.

Consideration to becoming a PLC – pros and cons – keeping core principles sacrosanct

Once the UK SortMyCash is fully established, we can look to explore international markets, including the United States, Australia, European Union, Asia etc. allowing for additional opportunities to employees and The Student Network alumni

Rule the World


Weekly / Monthly Challenges

We will be looking to agree to weekly and monthly challenges, to give individuals and the team targets to keep us on our upward trajectory. We will be open to considering what our candidates feel they can achieve on their own and together as a team or perhaps a little friendly competition in small teams. Can you hit the targets, can you beat the targets, can you smash the targets.


Ethics – People First

I have an overwhelming need to please and I vehemently believe if you build your reputation on keeping customers happy then they will support you with their actions, coming back time and time again, generating positive reviews and word of mouth. Offer an outstanding service with underlying positive ethics at the heart and we expect that this will maintain a loyal customer base. We build SortMyCash with these principles at the forefront and these must be present within each individual in The Student Network.

We want to be in a position where we can make the world a better place, even if it is only on a relatively small scale, at least to begin with. Help make every single person’s life that you reach become slightly better and the cumulative effect can be great.


The SortMyCash Family

We are to all intents and purposes a family business, we want to keep that feel as we grow. Each person that is a stakeholder in SortMyCash, whether that be myself, my partner Katie and our children Clay and Sophia, the users who choose to register with us, customers who choose to buy through us, followers on social media, or you if you apply to join The Student Network, this is the SortMyCash family and we want to be there to support every one of you and hopefully when we build that reputation and awareness, this support will be reciprocated in loyalty and word of mouth.


Giving Back

We love to give back to our community. That’s why we already offer multiple giveaways for different areas, such as pet hampers, chocolate hampers, Centre Parcs stay and our £100 Monthly Draw. It’s a great way to show that we care about our community, it’s a bit of fun and also a fantastic way to generate some interest and to reach a wider audience with viral posts. Whilst we will be continuing to give back, come what may, we will be analysing to see if we get a little more good faith with our giveaways to offer a better opportunity for SortMyCash to sell to those who enter and get the best of both worlds.


Outside of Business

As outlined in other areas, SortMyCash will be looking to help in the wider community outside of the purely business aspects of the enterprise. We will be looking to ensure that the well-being of all stakeholders of SortMyCash is taken care of. We will consider any charity or community outreach programmes that any successful candidate may wish to propose, in particular as we grow and can afford to provide these charities and programmes with more time and resource. The same is extended to the natural world, working with initiatives such as going carbon neutral and developing areas where we can help the wider world be ever more sustainable and a pleasant place to live for us, our children and our children’s children.


Study Time

We are acutely aware of the fact that your further education in university must always come first. Studies for your degree are paramount and in no way must the help and assistance offered towards SortMyCash get in the way of your educational development. Any impact must only be positive. With this we will strive to ensure that we are flexible and any work for SortMyCash is conducted in spare time only.



With the above and other commitments in mind, not to mention the uni social life, we will be as flexible as possible in the way that we work and the contributions that we are looking for from successful candidates. If you need anything, please just let us know and we’ll work around it.


Influence At The Top

Respectfully challenge ideas and decisions, make your voice heard. Bring your own ideas forward and have an influence on the growth and direction of the Company. The barriers to the top are not there and as long as it’s progressive with good intent, I am a person who likes to hear new ideas and what people have got to bring to the table. Your ideas could change the future of the Company. Please be respectful that no matter how resolute you are to a cause, not all ideas can proceed or even always be agreed with. Whilst we will listen to the whole teams’ view and often decisions can be taken as a democracy, ultimately the final decision on significant issues will have to rest with Director(s).


Retention / Commitment

As soon as SortMyCash is making sufficient cash flow for multiple paid positions, we will be looking to create the same. We will retain The Student Network in as similar a capacity as possible and holding the same influence until such time as the candidates no longer wish to volunteer, whether that is due to becoming employees themselves or when the agreed upon time passes. Generally we will look for a 3 month rolling commitment from volunteer candidates with a review at the end of each term and a maximum of 4 terms. Either party may cease this relationship at any time with written notice.

Following any volunteer role within the business, a candidate can apply for an employed position within SortMyCash whether still within the volunteer period or not. All members of The Student Network will be looked upon extremely favourably when it comes to full or part-time employment and flexibility can be offered around University commitments if and when deemed appropriate. We reiterate that the candidates’ development within University must remain paramount to any activities undertaken.

Successful candidates will be given a stage to demonstrate your talents and to flourish. The rest is up to them.

As this is a volunteer position, successful candidates will be free to offer as little or as much time as they so desire, although we reiterate that your studies must come first and any work limit requirements set by universities will be adhered to.


Your Decision – Application and Vetting Process

Does this opportunity suit you?
Are you up for and capable of meeting the challenge?
Do you want to become part of The Student Network?

If so, apply now at

Please include:


Contact Details

What are you looking to gain from this project

What do you like about the project

What will you bring to the project

What particular areas of the project are you interested in

Can you help this project succeed in its target and how

Deadline – 14 days following receipt of this document

There will be a limit of 30 successful candidates that may be sourced from anywhere in the country, unless special circumstances arise were we feel that this limit should be increased or decreased. All candidate applications will be considered on their merits taking into account the qualities required by SortMyCash and the qualities that will compliment those that are already retained within the Company (including previously accepted members of The Student Network). Any person can apply to become part of The Student Network, so if you have friends or peers who you think will add genuine value to the team, no matter what their educational background: MBA, Business, English, Media, Drama, Computer Science, Art and Design, Law, Psychology, Philosophy, Politics (we have enough roles required in the development of the business for all types of educational experience to be considered) please feel free to pass the document onto them for their consideration. Sadly not all applicants will be successful for a role within The Student Network, but all applicants will be held in a greater esteem for additional employed positions that open as we grow and may also be kept in reserve should any of the successful candidates drop out of their volunteer roles at any time.


Candidate Requirements

Candidates must have access to a laptop / tablet with access to the internet. Candidates must be able to work with their own initiative as well as in a team dynamic. Must be friendly and personable with the desire to help SortMyCash and your fellow Student Network members succeed.


About Me

My name is Damian Hateley, I am founder and CEO of SortMyCash. Father of two, Clay 5 and Sophia 1 (nearly 2), with my partner Katie, a dedicated primary school teacher. I have run and developed my own businesses for 12 years, working both in the legal and financial sector, following several years as a Director in the insurance / legal sector. Friendly and approachable with the desire to grown and prosper in life whilst looking to help those around me to grow and prosper as well. In return for your help at this time, I will always try to make myself available for candidates who may wish to learn from my experiences, or if you seek advice on anything, personal or professional. As we grow and in the future I would consider potential roles as a mentor, partner or even investor, for those with an entrepreneurial spirit.



Candidates will be on a purely volunteer basis and in no way will be contractually bound to SortMyCash, nor will SortMyCash be contractually bound to any candidate, save for consideration for their health and safety in relation to any business conducted for SortMyCash. The relationship will be based on good faith and will not be a paid position unless otherwise agreed. SortMyCash will consider any reasonable expenses relating to business conducted for SortMyCash.