Ofgem’s Role in Regulating Energy Brokers: Addressing Mis-selling and Protecting Small Businesses


The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) is the UK’s energy regulator, responsible for overseeing the energy market and ensuring fair practices amongst suppliers and brokers. One of the critical issues that Ofgem has been addressing is business energy mis-selling due to hidden commissions. In this blog, we will explore the role of Ofgem in regulating energy brokers, their efforts to tackle mis-selling, and the impact on small businesses. We’ll also discuss how SortMyCash and our partner solicitors can help businesses affected by hidden commissions.

Ofgem’s Role in Regulating Energy Brokers

Energy brokers play a vital role in the energy market by helping businesses find suitable energy contracts. Ofgem is responsible for monitoring and regulating the activities of these brokers to ensure transparency, fairness, and compliance with industry standards. This includes investigating complaints, enforcing regulations, and taking action against brokers who engage in unethical practices, such as hidden commissions and mis-selling.

Ofgem’s Efforts to Address Mis-selling

To tackle business energy mis-selling, Ofgem has introduced a range of measures aimed at increasing transparency and fairness in the energy market. These measures include:

  1. Strengthening the industry’s voluntary code of practice, which outlines best practices for energy brokers and promotes transparency.
  2. Investigating instances of mis-selling and taking enforcement action against energy brokers who engage in deceptive practices.
  3. Providing guidance and resources to help businesses understand their rights and what to look out for when dealing with energy brokers.
  4. Encouraging businesses to report instances of mis-selling, enabling Ofgem to take appropriate action and protect other businesses from similar experiences.

Impact on Small Businesses

Ofgem’s efforts to regulate energy brokers and address mis-selling have a direct impact on small businesses. By promoting transparency and fair practices, Ofgem helps ensure that businesses can access energy contracts without being subjected to hidden commissions or other deceptive practices. This allows businesses to make informed decisions about their energy contracts, leading to cost savings and better operational efficiency.

How SortMyCash and Our Partner Solicitors Can Help

If your business has been affected by hidden commissions or mis-selling in the energy market, SortMyCash and our partner solicitors are here to help. We will guide you through the process of making a claim, working closely with Ofgem’s regulations to ensure the best possible outcome. Our no win, no fee approach means you can confidently pursue your claim without worrying about upfront costs.


Ofgem plays a crucial role in regulating energy brokers and addressing business energy mis-selling due to hidden commissions. Their efforts contribute to a fair and transparent energy market, benefiting small businesses across the UK. If you believe your business has been affected by hidden commissions or mis-selling, SortMyCash and our partner solicitors can provide the support you need to seek compensation and protect your business interests.

Have you been affected by hidden commissions or mis-selling in your business energy contracts? Click here to visit SortMyCash.co.uk to start your no win, no fee claim today, and let our expert team and partner solicitors help you seek the compensation you deserve.